EBOSS Detailed Blogs

In 2014 I began writing ‘Detailed Blogs’ at the invitation of Mathew Duder of ‘EBOSS: NZ’s Architecture Product Library’ – www.eboss.co.nz .  Eboss publishes a monthly series of Digests of new and updated information which is of interest to Eboss’s wide ranging Building Industry readership.  While there is an emphasis on contributions from Manufacturers and Suppliers writing of their products and systems, Mathew also wanted to provide more general technical comment unrelated to specific commercial materials and processes.

Over the last decade my emphasis has been on the passive thermal performance of dwellings, ie. before any heating and/or cooling appliances or systems are installed to moderate the comfort levels for the occupants.  What I do not do is to provide specific answers or solutions to building problems as there are usually a multitude of paths to the desired result.  Instead, I try to remind readers of the basic physical principles governing construction, and also to raise questions as to why particular approaches are used when there are other ways that may give a more satisfactory outcome in a particular circumstance.

Recently I was curious and so counted how many Detailed Blogs I had written.  Since 2014 there have been over sixty of them.

As an example; an early Blog of April 2014 ‘Insulation, Glazing & Thermal Mass: Is There a Simple Relationship‘; and a follow-up in December 2014 ‘Insulation, Thermal Mass & Glazing: The Juggling Game‘, discuss the reality that our static houses exist in dynamic exterior settings.

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